Our Community Work
NPSWC, Inc started down one road at its inception – seeking to become a LINKS chapter. The plan changed, but the goal remains the same – providing service to the people of our community. Our organization began with projects such as health fairs, cultural events, blood drives and tributes to often overlooked community members. Since that time, we have broadened our focus to provide scholarships, support awareness of Sickle Cell Disease, support those with MS and to provide college experiences to underserved youth.
Our story is still being written and we need talented, diligent women to join us as we continue this journey.
Community Activities

Share the Care
A quarterly event to support area caregivers in our four county region. Our organization chooses a facility each quarter and plans a lunch/dinner activity for the workers in that facility who often go unrecognized. We honor those individuals as unsung heroes.
Blood Drives
The Neuse Pamlico Sound Women’s Coalition, Inc. partners with the American Red Cross to provide opportunities for individuals to give the lifesaving gift of blood. According to the American Red Cross, one donation can save up to three lives.
Blood drives sponsored by NPSWC, Inc. are open to everyone. We do make an effort to schedule our drives in or near African American communities to encourage people of color to give. We know there is a shortage of donors from those communities and statistics show that at least 25% of people will need blood at least once in their lifetime.
Please support this effort by giving blood and/or by helping to sponsor a blood drive in your community.

Blood Drive

Blood Drive

Blood Drive
Sickle Cell Walk/Run
A 5K Walk/Run to raise money for Sickle Cell. All funds are used to promote awareness of Sickle Cell Disease and, most importantly, to support individuals and families battling Sickle Cell Disease. This annual event, which is held in March, began in 2006 and is the only walk/run of its kind in this region.
This annual event held in New Bern in September each year, attracts bikers from across the state and country. NPSWC, Inc. sponsors a team each year and all funds for that sponsorship go the National MS Society.
NPSWC is an avid supporter of Bike MS. We regularly sponsor a team in this event, serve as rest stop volunteers and assist with registration to help “change the world for people with MS, one mile at a time.”

Sickle Cell Walk

Jamal Jones Memorial Motorcycle Ride

Jamal Jones Memorial Motorcycle Ride

Jamal Jones Memorial Motorcycle Ride

Jamal Jones Memorial Motorcycle Ride
Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC:
Neuse-Pamlico Sound Women’s Coalition supported the Food Bank of Central & Eastern NC with a $500 donation. This food bank helps provide food and hope to families, children and seniors in Carteret, Craven, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico Counties.

Piedmont Health Services
Sickle Cell Agency
A portion of the funds raised during our Sickle Cell Walk/Run are donated to Piedmont Health Services and Sickle Cell Agency. This agency provides funding for individuals with Sickle Cell to support them in all aspects of their lives.
HBCU College Fair
NPSWC will be sponsoring our second HBCU College Tour at North Carolina Central and Shaw University. The registration Deadline is September. 15th.
Please download and complete the application to join us!
All students are required to complete NPSWC Bus Registration and Permission Slip Form.